What is a Durawall?

Durawalls, are also known as retaining walls, precast walls or vibracrete walls. They are generally installed using precast concrete panels or sections. Durawall panels are cast using a mixture of cement, water, and aggregates in a controlled environment. The control variables are temperature, humidity, ground height and more. These control variables allow for higher quality of concrete.

Benefits of Installing a PRECASTRONG WALL

We believe it is necessary to highlight the benefits of precast durawalls over other types of walling. Recent developments in technology have given durawalls an edge of other types of walling. This article will just barely brush over these developments.

  1. They are strong. Durawalls are able to withstand the vast natural forces and unnatural forces. Furthermore, they are able to withstand the effects of these forces. We say, “Enjoy a lifetime of maximum security with PRECASTRONG WALLING.” Precast walls are installed by planting precast concrete pillars first to strengthen the structure. The depth of the trench in which the precast concrete pillar is planted is usually thirty centimetres to fifty centimetres. Concrete mixture is poured into the trench and left to solidify, setting up a strong foundation for the wall.
  2. They require minimal maintenance. Renovation is a long-term recurring process to maintain the aesthetics, strength and value of land infrastructure over time. The length of the period between successive renovations depends on the quality of the materials and structure. If one works with a reputable brand, he or she is most guaranteed of a permanent solution. Most durawalls which were erected in Zimbabwe decades ago eversince the advent of precast concrete are still intact. These precast durawalls require little repair-service and probably could last decades more. A fact to highlight is that these were one of the first product rollouts implying that a lot has improved eversince. Durawalls erected today have the probability of lasting three to four times more in comparison to before.
  3. They are also able to retain their shape and strength. A thorough comparison of a brick durawall and a precast durawall would conclude with the precast durawall being more preferrable. A key point to note is the cracks which form with time in the brick durawalls. Long term structural adjustments cause these cracks to form. An additional point to note is that they cannot be plastered as covering.

Landscape Requirements for installing Durawalls

  1. Soil type: this is one of the major variables to consider before conduction of any construction project, yet many contractors neglect it in making decisions and giving recommendations to their converted and prospective clients especially in Zimbabwe. There are many different types of soil namely clay, silt and sand. Each of these soil types have their inherent properties which should be catered for in the decision-making process and failure to will have adverse effects on the land. The beauty of Durawalls is that they are specifically designed to hold back soil and prevent erosion. Exceptions to the rule are massive landslides which are very catastrophic to all infrastructure.
  2. Vegetation: grass, plants and trees need to be taken into account as well. Trees are the mostly crucial in the vegetation factor. The growth and development of different trees give rise to different problems in the structural strength of the erected structure. Generally, plants in different families have different types of root systems. There are three root systems namely tap root system, fibrous root system and adventitious root system. The root system that grows deeper with the plant is dangerous for built structures and likewise for the root system that spreads. This is a major concern for trees and with time develop to be greater issues of concern. Durawalls are affected at a small scale considering how they are installed. In spite of the aforementioned factor, these obstacles need to be cleared to be able to install the precast concrete panels.
  3. Slope: lastly on the landscape requirements for installing Durawalls, there is the slope of land which is the gradient, decline or incline of the land under consideration. This variable affects the cost of the project majorly. Most construction projects prefer a slight slope to a steep slope. Durawalls are no stranger to this trend. Recent developments in the construction field have led slopes to be leveraged in amazing and majestic ways. One can observe this trend locally in Greystone Park, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe.

Furthermore, wetlands are commonly accepted just bad business for construction. This is in light of Environmental Management Agency (EMA) rules and guidelines and logical conclusion.

In conclusion, the strength of a structure is a compounded effect of a total of the landscape requirements mentioned above. Interested parties should confirm with the contracted company whether these have been incorporated before planting the precast concrete pillars. Some companies will send a professional to calculate this. The information should be provided in a detailed report.

Cost Metrics

In brief, this section will highlight the measures by which an individual can approximate the whole durawall project cost. A durawall is far from being an accessory, it is also key infrastructure that adds up to the picture of a standard home. It appreciates the value of premise especially if an excellent job is done. Hence, it also comes at a certain monetary cost. A good bargain one could say. These are some of the measures,

  1. The perimeter of the area for which the precast wall is to be installed. The lengthier the perimeter the greater the cost. Different durawall contractors have different base quotes. Notice the quote is also dependent on another factor which we will mention as the next point of our discussion.
  2. The height of the durawall to be installed. The whole point of erecting a durawall is to secure the premises and ward off other people from being knowledgeable about the activities on the compound. We are uninformed of the state of affairs of other countries, but in Zimbabwe people highly price their privacy. Neighbourly interactions are at a minimum especially in low density suburbs. The taller the wall the more private one’s home affairs are. Different durawall contractors input this variable into their base quotes. We at Shapira Trading Family charge the following:

There are a number of other factors which are to be considered. These vary from contractor to contractor and will just be mentioned in bullet points below.

  1. Distance between site and base of operations.
  2. A rocky plain or mountainous place. For instance, Quinnington, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe.